Knock three times

Handwritten page of a diary dated May 28, 1970

It was bad enough when Dopey (no, he’s not one of the seven dwarfs, that’s just what I call Larry) came home from college for three weeks of Christmas break.  He walked around the house singing “Knock 3 times on the ceiling if you want me …”  Loud. And even Mom just started saying “Crimenetly Larry. Sing to yourself.” Also, about 100 times a day, he knocked on my door 3 times. 

Luckily he finally discovered a new hobby — using all the pop tops Mom was saving (for who knows what) and made himself a hat. Of course he looked like a dope, but at least he was out of my hair.

The thing I hate is that next week he’s coming home for three MONTHS!!!!!!! Somebody get an ambulance on high alert, because I might need it.

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Published in: on June 3, 2022 at 5:27 pm  Comments (6)